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Biographical Information

Sandra Haimila

Former Editor in Chief - KMWorld magazine

Prior to joining KMWorld, Sandra Haimila, who retired as editor in July 2018, worked as a writer and editor for several newspapers.

Articles by Sandra Haimila

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management 2018

The companies we have chosen this year have proven their stuff.

2017 Award winners KM Promise and Reality
KM Promise

The search for a knowledge management solution is not an easy one. Many companies vow they offer the best technology to meet a client's needs, but finding the vendor that actually fulfills that promise can be challenging. The KM Promise Award is given to a company that implements and integrates knowledge management practices into business processes and works with clients to ensure they reach their goals. The award recipient provides innovative technology that breaks through the hype to help customers gain insights, collaborate and compete in a mobile and global business environment.

2017 Award winners KM Promise and Reality
KM Reality

The KM Reality Award recognizes an organization in which knowledge management is a positive reality, not just rhetoric. The award recipient has demonstrated leadership in the implementation of knowledge management practices and processes, realizing measurable business benefits. To be considered for the Reality Award, the knowledge management program must be in place for at least one year, receive support from senior management, and have defined metrics to evaluate the initiative and its impact on organizational goals.

2017 KMWorld Promise and Reality award finalists: KM Promise Award

The search for a knowledge management solution is not an easy one. Many companies vow they offer the best technology to meet a client's needs, but finding the vendor that actually fulfills that promise can be challenging. The KM Promise Award is given to a company that implements and integrates knowledge management practices into business processes and works with clients to ensure they reach their goals. The award recipient provides innovative technology that breaks through the hype to help customers gain insights, collaborate and compete in a mobile and global business environment.

2017 KMWorld Promise and Reality award finalists:
KM Reality Award

The KM Reality Award recognizes an organization in which knowledge management is a positive reality, not just rhetoric. The award recipient has demonstrated leadership in the implementation of knowledge management practices and processes, realizing measurable business benefits. To be considered for the Reality Award, the knowledge management program must be in place for at least one year, receive support from senior management, and have defined metrics to evaluate the initiative and its impact on organizational goals.

KMWorld Trend-Setting Products of 2017

The offerings on our list of 2017 KMWorld Trend-Setting Products result from innovation and imagination, as well as from evolution, gaining additional features over time. The products reflect the ingenuity of the developers and the diversity of invention. More than anything else, our 2017 Trend-Setting Products have captured our attention because of their ability to meet business needs by transforming information into insight.

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management 2017

Our annual list of 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management features organizations that manifest innovation, ingenuity, resourcefulness, usefulness, collaboration, community, expertise and that help their customers attain such qualities.

KMWorld 100 COMPANIES That Matter in Knowledge Management

As knowledge management evolves, so does our list of 100 Companies That Matter in KM.

The Crucial Role of Metadata

A presentation at by Lt. Col. David S. Sanchez of the USAF examined the importance of tagging documents with metadata and aligning information governance and content.

Special Agent G. Clayton Grigg on the FBI's Approach to Knowledge Management

G. (Gurvais) Clayton Grigg, a special agent with the FBI since 1997 and chief knowledge officer for almost six years, discusses the agency's approach to knowledge management. In a session at the 2012 KMWorld Conference, Grigg says KM is all about outcomes, which for the FBI involves: keeping people safe, preventing bad things from happening and finding out about those that did.

David Weinberger keynote address at KMWorld 2012: facilitating knowledge sharing

Knowledge as we've known it for 100 years has been knocked over by little hyperlinks, says David Weinberger, a senior researcher at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society and co-director of the Harvard Library Innovation Lab. In his keynote address at KMWorld 2012, Weinberger explores the new boundaries of knowledge management.

John Seely Brown keynote address at KMWorld 2012: The entrepreneurial learners

In a keynote address at the 2012 KMWorld Conference in Washington, D.C., in October, John Seely Brown, a visiting scholar at USC and independent co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge, spoke on the topic, "The Entrepreneurial Learners." The essence of entrepreneurial learning is being constantly alert, aware and interested in the resources available and in how we build connections.

At press time—Stellent acquires Optika

Smoothing the eForm flow

Smoothing the eForm flow

Global giant extends grip on knowledge

Glazed with sweet success

Georgia on its mind

Global giant extends grip on knowledge

Glazed with sweet success

Healthy ramifications

E-training the Army

Bullish about business-critical information

E-mail protection plan

Putting the law in their own hands

Healthy ramifications

E-training the Army

Bullish about business-critical information

E-mail protection plan

Putting the law in their own hands

Environmentally friendly Web content

Web mining synergy

Head of the Class

Down by the bayou

Environmentally friendly Web content

Web mining synergy

Head of the Class

Down by the bayou

E-training the Army

Tracking national resources

Building a body of knowledge

Transit training, rapidly

Healthy concern for content

Tracking national resources

Building a body of knowledge

Transit training, rapidly

Healthy concern for content

CRM serves as strategic centerpiece

From unstructured data, BI flows

Pilot proves software's potential

Making marketing make sense

CRM serves as strategic centerpiece

From unstructured data, BI flows

Pilot proves software's potential

Mesa site abuzz with information

Investing in market intelligence

Audi shortens the innovation cycle

Call Center for knowledge

Discovering expertise—digitally

Pall casts Accolade globally

Rediscovering friends online

Law support group automates mailings

Boosting productivity ... and morale

Setting the stage to contain costs

Mesa site abuzz with information

Investing in market intelligence

Audi shortens the innovation cycle

Call Center for knowledge

Discovering expertise—digitally

Pall casts Accolade globally

Rediscovering friends online

Law support group automates mailings

Boosting productivity ... and morale

Setting the stage to contain costs

Building knowledge Entopia releases new software

Knowledge in context Brain EKP 3.0 visualizes information relationships

Far from simply search Intelliseek unveils EES Version 4.5

Birds sited on FatWire

Instant access to authors

Smart land management

Tracking child abusers

Go (En)fish for information

Lifeblood to learning

Fly the CRM skies

Redefining Regence's claim service

Tracking crime

Work on your relationships

Some like it hot

Birds sited on FatWire

Instant access to authors

Smart land management

Tracking child abusers

Go (En)fish for information

Lifeblood to learning

Fly the CRM skies

Redefining Regence's claim service

Tracking crime

Work on your relationships

Some like it hot

Making paper paines passe

Enabling education employees

The personal neighborhood touch

Next stage of data integration

Piloting productivity

Mercury’s Mission

Making paper paines passe

Enabling education employees

The personal neighborhood touch

Next stage of data integration

Piloting productivity

Mercury’s Mission

Getting up from under paper

Easing anxiety

Portal prowess

Training cues for the people in blue

Getting up from under paper

Easing anxiety

Portal prowess

IT to a tee

Aiding the search for POWs/MIAs

Maintaining business buoyancy

The virtual human touch

Learning IT online

Smooth operator

Self-service HR

Procter & Gamble pampers R&D

Coastal collaboration

Using data to track reforms

Improving corporate IQ

IT to a tee

Aiding the search for POWs/MIAs

Maintaining business buoyancy

The virtual human touch

Learning IT online

Smooth operator

Self-service HR

Procter & Gamble pampers R&D

Coastal collaboration

Using data to track reforms

Improving corporate IQ

Scanning the Globe

Teach your staffers well

The helping hand of BI

Scanning the Globe

Teach your staffers well

The helping hand of BI

Document woes flow away for Lower Colorado River Authority

Collaborating for educational equality

Most-wanted Web site

Adding harmony to corporate communications

Montgomery County attacks data problems with infoShark

Ford changes tired messaging practices

Document woes flow away for Lower Colorado River Authority

Collaborating for educational equality

Most-wanted Web site

Adding harmony to corporate communications

Montgomery County attacks data problems with infoShark

Ford changes tired messaging practices

Penn partners in portal project

The state of the State Department’s new Web site

What do Zelda, Mario and Donkey Kong have in common?

Airline upgrades to first-class automation

Gemini and KMS fashion a help desk

Shorter lines for visa applicants

IIP’s working for the railroad

Bull market for e-business platform

Click and track collaboration

Three chimes for KM

Bull market for e-business platform

Click and track collaboration

Three chimes for KM

Awash in Information

The Port District automates its assets

Have reports, will travel

Finding a needle in the Grand Canyon

CM curbs costs for Swiss bank

Retailer targets HR Solution

Click to learn

Skoal! To the health of document integration

Awash in Information

The Port District automates its assets

Have reports, will travel

Finding a needle in the Grand Canyon

CM curbs costs for Swiss bank

Retailer targets HR Solution

Click to learn

Skoal! To the health of document integration

The state of the State Department’s new Web site

Finding a needle in the Grand Canyon

Consultant: advise thyself

Enhancing collaboration for client satisfaction

Skoal! To the health of document integration!

Water, water everywhere

From the Empire State to the portal gate

Frequent flying made easier

Tartans, bagpipes and more

Taming the multi-headed compliance monster

A habitat for knowledge

It’s better to give ... and receive

Blue skies for British Sky’s customers

Out with the old; in with the new

And a frothy toast to customer support!

BMW seeks fast, flexible BI tool

Shell creates communities of practice

Archiving for posterity and prosperity

Painless pledge processing

Flowing information to the field

Learning to scale jungle gyms ... and databases

Owens Corning cozies up to customers

More brain food

Energy provider gives Peace a chance

Capturing history

Beauty and intelligence

A synopsis is worth a thousand words

ClearForest delivers concise text and data feeds

Finding a cure for the spreadsheet blues

Into the future of e-government

XML gains speed in California

The state of Grace

Knowledge-enabling the noble art of medicine

You asked for it, you got it

Supply chain upgrade at Toyota

HMO measures physician performance

Betting on collaboration

You can fight city hall

Austin powers Texas aid eligibility

Building one-on-one relationships

Coppicing, KM and the future king

High-tech helps ancient tech thrive

Reading, writing and communicating

Georgia high school posts curriculum materials on the Web

Search and locate ... three decades of information

No excuses: Know the law

Portal helps integrate product development environment

Tracking investor wealth

Global car manufacturer takes collaborative route

Power company generates info exchange

Ten obstetrics practices give birth to one DM system

Adding content management to e-commerce

Eastman Chemical delivers dynamic Web information

Ensuring e-business success

Swedish insurer converts to digital documents

Getting to know your customers better

Car manufacturer implements CRM

New intranet solution promotes teamwork at Honeywell

MIND, music and math

Web-based curriculum training for teachers

E-commerce helps U.S. athletes stay competitive

Spanning the globe ... and improving work processes

Anchorage manages complex geographic data

XML keeps planes in the air

Maintenance manuals are mission-ready

Snack leader rules with KM

Insurer minimizes risk

Helps ensure success with content management solution

E-filing eases legalese in Colorado

Data searching

Knowing all UK(an) about the United Kingdom

The fabric of knowledge

Lloyds invests in eCRM

Keeping wireless customers satisfied

Building a customer-focused learning organization

Shipbuilder employs KM to navigate info

Cypress' Knowledge Delivery Architecture greases the ways

"Associations" bring community to diverse World Bank

Content management

Nonpartisan publisher favors XML-based system

Building a customer-focused learning organization

Developing a culture of mutual respect

Managing knowledge at Heritage Mutual

Portal profits employees and customers alike

Sales management

KM tool compacts workload for Compaq

Team collaboration soars for Swissair/Sabena

Taking a bite out of IT tedium

Redmond, WA, police keep content current

PricewaterhouseCoopers tracks single path to content from myriad databases

Transforming numbers into BI

Work management in health care

Modeling and simulation predict bottlenecks

DirecTV taps Cognos for BI

Data here, there and everywhere

From myriad databases, PricewaterhouseCoopers tracks single path to content

Maximizing medical-records retrieval

Web-based document management for heath care

Transforming numbers into BI

Hill and Knowlton knows (the value of) knowledge

Duty, honor, country . . . cost-cutting

Pledging allegiance to document management

Flexible solution meets individual needs

Book him, Sherlock

Scotland Yard in the KM and BI world

More time to analyze data, less time gathering it

New BI solution brings order to the court

Digging out from the document mess

GD Searle finds solution for its GMM division

New KM tools buoy aircraft makers

Musician's Friend gets Cerius about infrastructure

Growing music equipment company streamlines communication systems for added productivity

KM opens and smooths lines of communications for telcoms --Searching the (virtual) yellow pages for solutions

What works (and what doesn’t) in the product development process

Brokerages step out of stodgy past into electronic future

Accommodating the taxpayer

KM provides vital links for transportation companies

Technology in education: from portal to payroll --Higher education realizes gains from multiple technologies