Knowledge Graphs
A knowledge graph, also known as a semantic network, represents a network of real-world entities - i.e. objects, events, situations, or concepts - and illustrates the relationship between them.

KMWorld 2024 Is Nov. 18-21 in Washington, DC. Register now for $100 off!


The KMWorld AI 100: The Companies Empowering Intelligent Knowledge Management

It's easy to become overwhelmed, even awestruck at the amount of information about AI, particularly GenAI, being thrown at us on a daily basis. The ability of AI technologies to process vast amounts of data, recognize patterns that humans can't see, and generate new knowledge and insights boggles the imagination. The challenge faced by knowledge managers is determining what is actually useful and will have staying power.

AI 100 Trailblazer: Enterprise Knowledge - Taking AI Beyond a Prototype: At the Intersection of Knowledge and Data Management

Throughout the many AI solutions we have developed within both the public and private sector, we differentiate ourselves by working alongside our clients to weave KM and data management practices through knowledge graphs and a semantic layer and build user-focused AI solutions that are embedded within organizational processes, support the organizational mission, and reflect how people and processes fuel enablement and adoption.

Gaining competitive advantage from non-textual information

With the right approaches, tools, and self-service facilities, it is possible for users possessing any degree of technical aptitude to quickly find and avail themselves of non-textual content.

How (and when) to update your KM strategy

Ensuring that KM endeavors support different access points, systems, and user preferences is a prime consideration for updating KM strategies. Vendors may also supply newfound capabilities (which an organization previously hadn't had access to) that warrant updating a KM strategy to avail organizations of new possibilities.


What is Bharat and why should you care?

Knowledge should always be considered as accretive, not something that's "here today, gone tomorrow."

Knowledge Management Whitepapers

CX Knowledge Manager Playbook

Extracting knowledge from your data:Learn how a semantic layer helps you find, access, integrate, and re-use your enterprise knowledge.

Unified Data Layer: Transforming Data Choas into Actionable Insight

2024 KMWorld Guide to KM Trends, Products, and Services

Knowledge Graphs Companies and Suppliers
Knowledge Graphs Directory