Intellectual Property Management
Intellectual property/capital are terms used to describe intangible assets: the results of human thought and talent that have value and are original. This can include designs, published text, new inventions or improvement, software and music. Managing and protecting that IP in a way that drives more value and stimulates sustainable growth is important for many organizations.

KMWorld 2024 Is Nov. 18-21 in Washington, DC. Register now for $100 off!


AI 100 Trailblazer: Northern Light optimizes GenAI for market and competitive intelligence research

Key to the accuracy of SinglePoint's GenAI responses is Northern Light's use of retrieval augmented generation (RAG); only sources from vetted content collections within the client organization's SinglePoint portal— business news, primary or licensed secondary market research, thought leaders' commentary, technology white papers, conference abstracts, or industry and government databases—are tapped for answers. There's virtually no risk of "hallucination" since SinglePoint does not rely on a commercial large language model's internet-based training data.

AI 100 Trailblazer: Openstream.ai® - Conversational AI for Visionaries

Openstream.ai serves global enterprises with a visionary platform continually tuned by world-class AI experts, orchestrating the latest AI approaches and tools to deliver state-of-the-art conversational experiences.

AI 100 Trailblazer: Sugarwork - Unlocking the 80% of institutional knowledge not captured by existing KM tools

Sugarwork is designed for companies to capture institutional knowledge—both tacit and explicit—and make it accessible to anyone in the organization. It leverages GenAI to enable organizations to capture the information, insights, and nuances of daily operations.

Gaining competitive advantage from non-textual information

With the right approaches, tools, and self-service facilities, it is possible for users possessing any degree of technical aptitude to quickly find and avail themselves of non-textual content.


The transformative role of AI in the next generation of records management

While there are many ways AI will disrupt and advance the records management process, these four key applications will make the biggest impact: automating document classification and tagging, records retention and data hygiene, leveraging natural language processing for record analysis and predictive analytics for records management.

What you should know about cross-border data transfer laws

Multinational companies are generally aware of data transfer laws, but smaller ones just embarking on looking beyond country borders may not be.

Avoiding the wrath of illegal data

To mitigate the risks associated with illegal data, organizations need to implement data governance policies and procedures to ensure that all data is properly documented, stored, and maintained.

Knowledge management experts provide KM predictions for 2023

Several KM leaders offer predictions for the space in 2023


What is Bharat and why should you care?

Knowledge should always be considered as accretive, not something that's "here today, gone tomorrow."

Pushing the boundaries of knowledge curation

Knowledge democratization occurs in two directions, seemingly engaged in an endless tug of war: acquisition and dissemination.

The third place of knowledge management

The third place I alluded to goes far beyond mechanistic KM or curated knowledge and takes us into the actual world of tacit knowledge. Here, knowledge comes from and often remains as personal experience, impressions, and intuition; it's undocumented and often hidden and elusive.

Should we go back to paper-based KM?

The sheer volume of largely useless data we have accumulated across the years severely limits the ability of AI to work well, and it comes at a heavy environmental and financial cost.

Knowledge Management Whitepapers

CX Knowledge Manager Playbook

Extracting knowledge from your data:Learn how a semantic layer helps you find, access, integrate, and re-use your enterprise knowledge.

Unified Data Layer: Transforming Data Choas into Actionable Insight

2024 KMWorld Guide to KM Trends, Products, and Services

Intellectual Property Management Directory