Digital Asset Management
Digital Asset Management (DAM) is a critical business process guiding the organizing, retrieval, and storage of rich media and digital rights and permissions. These assets include graphic images and photos as well as audio/video materials.

KMWorld 2024 Is Nov. 18-21 in Washington, DC. Register now for $100 off!


KMWorld Trend-Setting Products of 2024

It's clear from the increase in new and exciting products designed for KM practitioners that KM is gaining in importance within organizations and being recognized as critical to the success of enterprises. The ability of technology to streamline information flows, summarize lengthy documents, surface hidden information from existing data, and make search results relevant and actionable gives companies a competitive advantage.

Access Unify - AI-driven digital transformation technology and service delivered with a client-centric approach

Access Unify ensures a streamlined, digital-first workflow, minimizing the need for extra training or staffing. It revolutionizes file indexing, storing, retrieving and securely destroying records. Imagine having immediate access to crucial documents, at any time, wherever you are.

Lexsoft T3 GenAI Knowledge Management

T3 GenAI applies AI to automatically extract relevant information, create abstracts, and accurately mine the metadata to classify them in the KM system. This removes the need for KM professionals to manually appraise lawyers' documents or ask questions to identify, curate, and classify the knowledge documents.

Execute Successful Enterprise Content Strategies in Today’s AI Era with Quark Publishing Platform (QPP) NextGen

With content playing a direct role in business growth, enterprises must find ways to modernize their content operations and knowledge management infrastructure, particularly with AI, to support business objectives, the needs of customers, and ability to win in their market.


Integration impasse: Why organizations can’t wait for data integration before deploying AI

The need for comprehensive data management will always be important, and there are many other benefits of digital transformation, but CIOs don't need to delay GenAI projects until the completion of a giant data centralization effort. By adopting a more flexible approach that incorporates GenAI and next-generation BI tools, businesses can navigate the complexities of modern data ecosystems while driving innovation and maintaining a competitive edge in an AI-driven world.

The transformative role of AI in the next generation of records management

While there are many ways AI will disrupt and advance the records management process, these four key applications will make the biggest impact: automating document classification and tagging, records retention and data hygiene, leveraging natural language processing for record analysis and predictive analytics for records management.

KM and AI: Experts look at what lies ahead for 2024

AI and dreams of its potential rocked this past year as companies moved quickly to embed and offer their own version of chat assistants, predictive and generative AI, and more

Avoiding the wrath of illegal data

To mitigate the risks associated with illegal data, organizations need to implement data governance policies and procedures to ensure that all data is properly documented, stored, and maintained.


Inefficient at the speed of light

While process mining started years ago as a mainly data-driven exercise, its stated goal is to be knowledge-driven. Given KM's multidisciplinary scope, we can play a major role in achieving that goal. Any process, no matter how simple, has the potential to reach across an entire business ecosystem, including all stakeholders. This seems like a perfect match for collaborative workflow, AI/ML, knowledge graphs, human sensemaking, and many of the other arrows in our KM quiver.

The rise and potential fall of the citizen developer

The citizen developer movement was heralded as a revolution. Like most revolutions, things have sometimes gone differently than planned. The logic is sound, empowering those who know the business best to build the tools and systems needed to do their job. Ah, if only things were that simple …

The end of tech glory days

The tech industry's glory days may be fading a little, but this is not a time for despair. It's an opportunity for renewal. By shifting to a needs-driven approach, the industry can ensure its relevance in a rapidly changing landscape.

The third place of knowledge management

The third place I alluded to goes far beyond mechanistic KM or curated knowledge and takes us into the actual world of tacit knowledge. Here, knowledge comes from and often remains as personal experience, impressions, and intuition; it's undocumented and often hidden and elusive.

Knowledge Management Whitepapers

The Trend-Setting Products in Knowledge Management 2024

IDC Spotlight: From Siloed Content to Streamlined Workflows – How a CCMS Powers Digital Transformation

How to Choose an AI guided Knowledge Management System?

CX Knowledge Manager Playbook

Digital Asset Management Companies and Suppliers
Digital Asset Management Directory