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Taking the leap: Migrating to a new platform

The key best practice is upfront planning, including having an understanding of the potentially far-reaching impact of migration.

KMWorld Guide to KM Trends, Products, and Services
The KMWorld Guide to KM Trends, Products, and Services assists IT and business decision makers as they continue to navigate the major technologies and trends shaping digital transformation today.


Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.


- Oscar Wilde

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Knowledge Management Case Studies

Checkin.com welcomes Creatio into its Technical Partnerships fold, boosting workflow automation and CRM software

Creatio works to transform legacy processes that impact enterprise productivity

CAST and LIRIS establish partnership to apply advanced graph visualization algorithms

The goal of the collaboration is to develop advanced algorithms that yield more efficient and user-friendly visual representations of application structures

Powerhouse utilizes Arcitecta’s Advanced Data Management Platform as its new digital asset management solution 

Arcitecta extends its reach to the museum and cultural asset market

Mastek bolsters AI platform with NVIDIA accelerated computing

Mastek's next-gen solution dramatically reduced customer response time

Knowledge Management Opinions & Analysis

When AI’s eyes are smiling

As of now, GenAI doesn't learn from the knowledge it creates any more than a paint-mixing machine learns more about colors every time it's used.

What is Bharat and why should you care?

Knowledge should always be considered as accretive, not something that's "here today, gone tomorrow."

The end of tech glory days

The tech industry's glory days may be fading a little, but this is not a time for despair. It's an opportunity for renewal. By shifting to a needs-driven approach, the industry can ensure its relevance in a rapidly changing landscape.

Will AGI be intelligent?

AGI's holistic approach not only could enhance the accuracy and reliability of its decisions, but it would also mirror the interconnectedness of the real world.

Knowledge Management White Papers

CX Knowledge Manager Playbook

Extracting knowledge from your data:Learn how a semantic layer helps you find, access, integrate, and re-use your enterprise knowledge.

Unified Data Layer: Transforming Data Choas into Actionable Insight

2024 KMWorld Guide to KM Trends, Products, and Services

Knowledge Management Research

Toward Greater Visibility in Today's Knowledge World: 2024 Survey on Information Sharing and Transparency

Sponsored by: ProcedureFlow

eGain - The state of Knowledge Management in 2023: Untapped Potential for Business Value - Survey


A Knowledge-Streaming Enterprise for Turbulent Times: 2020 KMWorld Digital Transformation Research - Survey