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KMWorld Cover

March 2009 (100 Companies) [Volume 18, Issue 3]

View from the Top

View From The Top: Abbyy

View From The Top: Accusoft Pegasus

View From The Top: ASG Software Solutions

View From The Top: Attivio

View From The Top: Chiliad

View From The Top: Concept Searching

View From The Top: Connotate

View From The Top: Content Analyst

View From The Top: Day Software

View From The Top: empolis

View From The Top: Exsys, Inc.

View From The Top: iDatix

View From The Top: Inmagic

View From The Top: ISYS Search Software

View From The Top: Mindbreeze

View From The Top: NextPage

View From The Top: Noetix Corporation

View From The Top: Northern Light

View From The Top: Open Text

View From The Top: PaperThin

View From The Top: QL2

View From The Top: Reprints Desk, Inc.

View From The Top: Rivet Logic

View From The Top: Teragram

View From The Top: Trinity Technologies

View From The Top: Vital Path

View From The Top: Xythos Software

View From The Top: ZyLAB


High-powered ECM platforms do the job

Most organizations now understand that they have a lot of content, that it's growing at a relentless pace and that it must be managed...

ECM targets verticals

Vertical solutions are geared to be functional right out of the box and can often be up and running in a matter of days...

Information systems improve hospital emergency departments

Anyone who has spent time in a hospital emergency department (ED) or even watched television shows about them realizes that they present a daunting knowledge management challenge...

Designing for faceted search

Google and the Cuculus Strategy

Cuculi wait until another bird is preoccupied, then, with the coast clear, they will lay an egg in the other bird's nest...

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management

Publishing this list is the most difficult project KMWorld undertakes every year, and I've been heading the effort since it began in 2000. Our somewhat informal judging process taps the individual and collective wisdom of colleagues, analysts, system integrators and even a selected group of users...

News Analysis

The dream of the Semantic Web

The Semantic Web's value will grow as it becomes as inconsistent, ambiguous and imperfect as our own collective knowledge is...

Mark Logic and MOSS connect

NewsGator’s social debut


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