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KMWorld Cover

March 2015 (100 Companies) [Vol 24, Issue 3]

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BA Insight, Massood Zarrabian, CEO: View From the Top

Hitachi Consulting Corporation, Ellen Dowd, Senior Vice President, Information and Content Management Practice:
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Hyland, creator of OnBase, Bill Priemer, President and CEO:
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MicroPact Inc., Kris Collo, CEO, President and Founder:
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Synaptica, LLC, David Clarke CEO: View From the Top

Verint Systems, Elan Moriah President, Verint® Enterprise Intelligence Solutions™ and
Video and Situation Intelligence Solutions™
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Accusoft, Jack Berlin, Founder, President & CEO:
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Empolis, Dr. Stefan Wess, CEO: View From the Top

Enterprise Knowledge, Zach Wahl, President & CEO: View From the Top

Expert System, Bryan Bell, Executive Vice President:
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F T I Consulting, Seth Rierson Global Practice Leader: View From the Top

Integrify, Inc., David Willsey, CEO: View From the Top

INTERNEER, INC., Romeo Elias, President and CEO: View From the Top

KMS lighthouse, Yossi Caspi, CEO: View From the Top

Magnitude Software, Chris Ney, Chairman & CEO: View From the Top

MetaVis Technologies, Steven Pogrebivsky, Chief Executive Officer: View From the Top

Mindbreeze, Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO:
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Transversal, Heather Richards CEO: View From the Top


Information security goes mainstream

Formerly the exclusive domain of IT, information security is now a mainstream issue, as major retailers and government agencies have suffered data breaches, denials of service and destructive intrusions. Millions of individuals have been affected, and organizations are now forced to devote more resources to prevention and remediation. Everyone in the information chain, from consumers to CEOs, has become acutely aware of the hazards of failing to protect information.

KM infrastructure for the life sciences virtual organization

Relatively new multitenant cloud-based content management platforms are allowing life science startups to avoid large investments in software, hardware and IT staff, while still gaining access to sophisticated systems and the ability to scale up as needed.

Risk management: Reputation is everything

News travels fast these days, and bad news travels faster. Most companies are now attuned to the fact that a few disgruntled customers or employees can leverage their opinions into a movement.

KMWorld 100 COMPANIES That Matter in Knowledge Management

For us here at KMWorld, knowledge management is an attitude, an approach, not an application, and that's what we're celebrating with this list—companies that offer the tools to analyze, augment, enhance, manage and extend information assets to maximize potential for organizations of all sizes.

News Analysis

Soul of a new machine?

Tracy Kidder's classic 1981 bestseller The Soul of a New Machine chronicles relentless work by teams of Data General engineers to design a next-generation mini-computer. How it all gets done isn't necessarily pretty and looks just like hard work, buffeted by personalities, morale, ambition, deadlines, compromises. But the machine became a leader in its field....

Disruptions and KM

Some KM systems provide collaboration tools. Authorized users can send an e-mail or a message to another user. That approach was state-of-the-art five years ago. But for new hires, the old-school KM approach may pinch like a pair of too-small shoes.


David Weinberger

The end of headlines?

It can take a while to realize that Inside.com is a news aggregator without headlines. It turns out that headlines were yet another bad bad choice imposed on us by the limitations of paper.

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