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KMWorld Cover

March 2006 (100 Companies) [Volume 15, Issue 3]


Content management: Integrating the paper flow

It may seem surprising in this digital age that so many invoices arrive via the U.S. mail, and that so many insurance applications are filled out on a form attached to a clipboard. For many organizations and individual consumers, paper still brings a comfort level that digital data cannot match. But in order to make use of that data, conversion to digital form is a must.

Getting personal with content management

One of the early goals of enterprise content management was to get all an organization’s intellectual capital into one place so that everyone would have access to it. That exercise was useful in revealing what information was already present and what was missing, and catalyzed more systematic methods of structuring and retrieving information.

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management

One hundred. Not 101. Not 99. Does our list mean that there are only 100 companies that matter in KM? Of course not.

SOA tools--virtually bridging the legacy divide Part 2

Part I of this series defined service-oriented architecture (SOA), laid out its benefits and challenges for early adopters and discussed general types of tools required to map an SOA plan and create, deploy and manage an SOA. Part 2 offers descriptions of more granular subcategories of tool types and describes how some major platform players approach SOA.

Sustaining communities of practice

View From The Top: Astoria Software

Product Information Publishing; Beware the 3 ‘V’s of Velocity,Volume, and Variability

View From The Top: Attensity Corporation

View From The Top: Autonomy, Inc.

View From The Top: Connotate Technologies, Inc.

View From The Top: Coveo

Refining Enterprise Search

View From The Top: Cymfony

View From The Top: Engenium

View From The Top: Exact Software North America

View From The Top: Exalead

View From The Top: Global 360

View From The Top: Grokker

View From The Top: Identity Systems

View From The Top: Innodata Isogen

View From The Top: InQuira

View From The Top: Integrify

View From The Top: Inxight Software

View From The Top: ISYS Search Software Inc.

View From The Top: KANA

View From The Top: KnowNow

View From The Top: LexisNexis

View From The Top: Liberty IMS

View From The Top: MetaCarta

View From The Top: Noetix Corporation

View From The Top: Northern Light

View From The Top: OneSource Information Services

View From The Top: PaperThin, Inc.

View From The Top: QL2 Software

View From The Top: Quantum Art

View From The Top: SafeHarbor Technology Corporation

View From The Top: Scope e-Knowledge

View From The Top: Smead

View From The Top: Stellent

View From The Top: Teragram

View From The Top: TOWER Software

View From The Top: Traction Software

View From The Top: XyEnterprise

View From The Top: Zensar Technologies

View From The Top: ZyLAB

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