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KMWorld Cover

March 2010 (100 Companies) [Volume 19, Issue 3]

View from the Top

View From The Top: ABBYY

View From The Top: Accusoft Pegasus

View From The Top: AnyDoc Software, Inc.

View From The Top: ASG Software Solutions

View From The Top: AvePoint

View From The Top: Bridgeline Digital

View From The Top: Concept Searching

View From The Top: Connotate

View From The Top: Content Analyst

View From The Top: Ektron

View From The Top: Exsys

View From The Top: Mindbreeze

View From The Top: MuseGlobal

View From The Top: Noetix

View From The Top: Omtool

View From The Top: Reprints Desk

View From The Top: Rivet Logic

View From The Top: RSD

View From The Top: SAS/Teragram

View From The Top: SDL

View From The Top: ZyLAB North America


Everything is connected ... really ... Putting meaning to work

It's not that we should—or even can—shift our attention completely away from information. It's that we have failed to address meaning in the context of work...

Open source ECM platforms bring mobility to market

To realize the potential of remote access to ECM, developers must design effective interfaces to applications that are responsive to the needs of workers on the go...

Data drives decision-making in healthcare

The growing availability of electronic medical records will lead to increased evidence-based medicine and smarter healthcare...

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management

When we established our list of 100 Companies That Matter 10 years ago, "knowledge management" was just beginning to be a recognized term in the boardroom. KM is not now (nor will it ever likely be) a household word. Nor is it an application. It's an attitude, a commitment to excellence and innovation shared by the companies, large and small, on this list. A decade ago, a lot of vendors were so intoxicated by their technology that they tried to woo their customers with dazzling features, capabilities they thrust upon clients without fully understanding their legitimate needs. Now, in 2010, that's no longer true. The firms on this list are true solution providers that are dedicated to understanding what their customers need and delivering elegant technology for the requirements of the knowledge economy...

DM Roundup

News Analysis

KMWorld 2010: New decade, location

The Google enterprise fabric

In the last half of 2009, Google operated like a medieval wool mill. The basic technology works, and the mill operators have been focusing on increasing production. But Google is a 21st century company. What few of its competitors and customers have realized is that Google is now in production mode...


David Weinberger

The Internet and peace

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