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  • October 10, 2012
  • News

Guidance Software releases EnCase V. 5

Guidance Software has announced EnCase eDiscovery Version 5, which delivers a seamless integration with CaseCentral, the company’s cloud-based e-discovery review and production platform. Guidance reports EnCase Version 5 gives in-house counsel control and oversight of every phase of the electronic discovery process, from legal hold, collection, preservation and early case assessment (ECA) to document review and production, significantly reducing the risk and cost of e-discovery.

The company highlights the following capabilities of EnCase eDiscovery Version 5:

  • a comprehensive, integrated e-discovery solution that exceeds corporate requirements for security, oversight, risk management and compliance;
  • one-click upload to CaseCentral cloud review;
  • a fast and comprehensive collection and processing e-discovery product;
  • both early and continuous case assessment, enabling legal teams to quickly obtain necessary facts at any time from pre- through post-collection phases;
  • the ability to use the secure, scalable, cloud review capabilities of CaseCentral while keeping collection and preservation close to data and its custodians;
  • robust search and identification capabilities for electronically stored information (ESI) across multiple digital platforms and devices; and
  • de-duplication across cases and comparison of current cases to previous matters to ensure that documents withheld in one matter are never produced in another.

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