
KMWorld 2024 Is Nov. 18-21 in Washington, DC. Register now for Super Early Bird Savings!


How (and when) to update your KM strategy

Ensuring that KM endeavors support different access points, systems, and user preferences is a prime consideration for updating KM strategies. Vendors may also supply newfound capabilities (which an organization previously hadn't had access to) that warrant updating a KM strategy to avail organizations of new possibilities.

Cloud technology: A synergistic environment for KM and generative AI

Cloud technology may have become a commodity to some extent, but it is not a simple commodity. The technology that allows cloud computing to be dynamic and agile is composed of many interrelated components, which means that when one thing goes wrong, the problem can cascade. Despite the fact that nearly every organization is using the cloud, about one-third report that their cloud implementations have failed completely, and about one-fourth report that their migration has not met the intended schedule.

Guidde - Helps you explain the most complex tasks in seconds with AI generated documentation

Guidde is the generative AI platform enabling teams to deliver know-how 11x faster for easy sharing with customers or employees. Market leading companies use Guidde video documentation to answer customer questions, onboard and train employees and drive self service, enabling teams to perform better.

Personalization to support customer engagement and boost revenue

Over time, consumers have become accustomed to personalized results when they search for products and services. They are demanding that the brands they deal with have a deep understanding of their individual needs.


Democratizing software development with no code/low code

By enabling greater productivity and accelerated software development timelines, no code/low code is on the rise.

What you should know about cross-border data transfer laws

Multinational companies are generally aware of data transfer laws, but smaller ones just embarking on looking beyond country borders may not be.

KMWorld 2023 sees a sea change

Most of the papers presented at the 2023 conference did not report on what had changed. Instead, they assumed and predicted that there would be substantial change.

KM and AI: Experts look at what lies ahead for 2024

AI and dreams of its potential rocked this past year as companies moved quickly to embed and offer their own version of chat assistants, predictive and generative AI, and more


The third place of knowledge management

The third place I alluded to goes far beyond mechanistic KM or curated knowledge and takes us into the actual world of tacit knowledge. Here, knowledge comes from and often remains as personal experience, impressions, and intuition; it's undocumented and often hidden and elusive.

The flip side of generative AI: Extractive AI

Extractive AI takes a more comprehensive and transparent approach to machine intelligence.

Should we go back to paper-based KM?

The sheer volume of largely useless data we have accumulated across the years severely limits the ability of AI to work well, and it comes at a heavy environmental and financial cost.

8 billion and counting

The message is clear: No single person or committee or group can weave the best paths through the infinite maze of possible event chains. Only humans and machines working together, side by side, can produce a better result than would ever be possible from either one alone.

Knowledge Management Whitepapers

2024 KMWorld Guide to KM Trends, Products, and Services

Unlocking the Power of Knowledge Management for Enterprise AI with Anzo and Knowledge Guru

100 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management 2024

A Blueprint for Transforming Paper-Intensive Processes

Healthcare Companies and Suppliers
Healthcare Directory