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KMWorld Cover

March 2017 (100 Companies) [Volume 26, Issue 3]

View from the Top

Empolis, Dr. Stefan Wess, CEO: View From The Top

Hyland, creator of OnBase, Bill Priemer President and CEO: View From The Top

Access Innovations, Inc., Marjorie Hlava, Jay Ven Eman: View From The Top

ASG Technologies, Charles Sansbury President and CEO: View From The Top

Cambridge Semantics, Alok Prasad, President: View From The Top

Cipher Systems, Peter Grimm, Managing Director: View From The Top

Earley Information Science, Seth Earley, CEO: View From The Top

Enterprise Knowledge, Zach Wahl, CEO: View From The Top

Igloo Software, Dan Latendre, CEO: View From The Top

Ingeniux, Jim Edmunds, CEO and Founder: View From The Top

Knosys Limited, John Thompson CEO: View From The Top

Mindbreeze, Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO: View From The Top

Panasonic System Communications Company of North America, Masaharu Nakayama, President: View From The Top

Paragon Solutions, Jim Kane, Director Collaboration and Knowledge Management: View From The Top

Verint, Elan Moriah, President, Customer Engagement Solutions, Verint®: View From The Top


KM resurgence in life sciences

The popularity of the term "knowledge management" has waxed and waned over the past couple of decades and continues its cycle. At first, KM promised comprehensive understanding and management of enterprise knowledge, but fell short of that goal and lost some of its standing as a concept.

Internet of Things:
IoT platforms create value in connectivity

Although the Internet of Things (IoT) is early stages of the maturity curve, more than 70 percent of enterprises are already collecting information for IoT initiatives, according to a recent study.

Disrupting the data landscape again with linked open data

"Big data shattered the paradigm where organizations would only use methods designed for a single relational database. They suddenly needed unstructured data analysis for big data, along with relational methods to find the proverbial needle in the haystack and a linked data approach to connect things and see how they relate."

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management 2017

Our annual list of 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management features organizations that manifest innovation, ingenuity, resourcefulness, usefulness, collaboration, community, expertise and that help their customers attain such qualities.

Cognitive Computing - Part 3
Challenges and lessons in cognitive computing

The next generation of cognitive applications will put computers even more firmly in the drivers' seat and require increasing confidence in their capabilities.

Although cognitive computing has tremendous potential to augment and enable knowledge work, its implementation should not distract KM programs from their core missions to retain critical knowledge and ensure its flow.


David Weinberger

Reclaiming our attention

The Internet is the perfection of the art—and now science—of attention capture and monetization.
The space is polluted, but it's also far vaster than any attentional space we've ever had.

Cognitive Computing

Anticipate a bumpy ride

When we think about how to understand the emerging dynamics of the markets for cognitive computing and what it's going to look like as products begin to come to market, what better place to look for a model than to the field of autonomous vehicles?

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