252 Million Walas
06 Jan 2025
There are 195 countries in the world. How many more entrepreneurial innovation hotspots are out there, waiting to be tapped and awakened? In our high-tech, virtual world, all of the steps Pakistan has taken can be replicated virtually anywhere, regardless of your country's size, GDP, or location. Imagine the possibilities ...
The Long- and Short-Term Impacts of AI Technologies
06 Jan 2025
A much less-known but arguably more critical tech law is Amara's Law, which states that we tend to overestimate the short-term impact of new technology while underestimating its long-term effects.
The rise and potential fall of the citizen developer
09 Sep 2024
The citizen developer movement was heralded as a revolution. Like most revolutions, things have sometimes gone differently than planned. The logic is sound, empowering those who know the business best to build the tools and systems needed to do their job. Ah, if only things were that simple …
Inefficient at the speed of light
09 Sep 2024
While process mining started years ago as a mainly data-driven exercise, its stated goal is to be knowledge-driven. Given KM's multidisciplinary scope, we can play a major role in achieving that goal. Any process, no matter how simple, has the potential to reach across an entire business ecosystem, including all stakeholders. This seems like a perfect match for collaborative workflow, AI/ML, knowledge graphs, human sensemaking, and many of the other arrows in our KM quiver.
On Chat AI and BS
09 Sep 2024
So, I'm sticking with hallucinations for all of chat AI's statements, true or false. But that leaves us with a question: Why isn't there a word that perfectly expresses this situation? The answer is easy: LLMs are doing something genuinely new in our history. Our lack of a perfectly apt verb proves it.
The end of tech glory days
08 Jul 2024
The tech industry's glory days may be fading a little, but this is not a time for despair. It's an opportunity for renewal. By shifting to a needs-driven approach, the industry can ensure its relevance in a rapidly changing landscape.
The third place of knowledge management
02 May 2024
The third place I alluded to goes far beyond mechanistic KM or curated knowledge and takes us into the actual world of tacit knowledge. Here, knowledge comes from and often remains as personal experience, impressions, and intuition; it's undocumented and often hidden and elusive.
Should we go back to paper-based KM?
13 Mar 2024
The sheer volume of largely useless data we have accumulated across the years severely limits the ability of AI to work well, and it comes at a heavy environmental and financial cost.
The flip side of generative AI: Extractive AI
13 Mar 2024
Extractive AI takes a more comprehensive and transparent approach to machine intelligence.
The trust problem with GenAI
08 Jan 2024
2023 has been the year of ultra-hyping GenAI, and who is paying for this deluge of marketing? Technology vendors that want us to buy it. Again, it's impressive stuff, but when we shift from selling to buying and ultimately using it, many tough questions need to be asked.
When is good enough enough?
02 Nov 2023
Our goal should be to improve the quality of knowledge assets and their accuracy and relevance in use. Much of this will come from human expertise and effort, increasingly combined with the power of AI.
Get your game on: KM skills needed for reliable use of LLMs
07 Sep 2023
There is no questioning that generative AI is here to stay, but its use in mission-critical work has some way to go before it can be trusted and let loose.
Are you data-driven or knowledge-driven?
07 Sep 2023
We no longer need to blindly accept the output of even the most sophisticated AI/ML platforms. In fact, we should not consider any artifact, whether produced by humans or machines, as valid knowledge unless it contains not only supporting data and analyses, including provenance, but also an explanation of the underlying plausibility.
Look to the skies for KM opportunities
08 May 2023
Then there's the inevitable demand for more automation, from the flight planning and clearance process to the operation of the air vehicles themselves. No human or group of humans could possibly keep track of so many constantly changing variables
AI technologies upending traditional KM
08 May 2023
If we are not careful and proactive about it, the concept and importance of knowledge itself may soon become blurred or lost.
The undiscovered country
03 Nov 2022
Capturing and sharing what you already know is good; and with today's data and text analytics tools, it has become much easier than when we'd first begun this journey.
The Law and AI
04 May 2022
AI is very good, and light years ahead of where it was just a decade ago, but it is far from "intelligent." Indeed, it is only as good as the data it is provided and needs close human supervision.
Getting to the future of KM
12 Jan 2022
AI can and does do a good job of assisting and even augmenting knowledge work, but our "to be" state should not take the human element—however flawed—from the work.
From robots to digital workers
05 Nov 2021
As more firms use the term "digital workers" in place of bots, a spotlight is being shone on the role, importance, and increasing controversy surrounding enterprise automation.
The way of the scenario
05 Nov 2021
The Delphi technique has become less effective in recent years, especially in crisis situations in which conditions, assumptions, and other variables are changing faster than the group is able to respond.