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KMWorld Cover

March 2011 (100 Companies) [Vol 20, Issue 3]

View from the Top

ABBYY USA, CEO, Dean Tang: View from the Top

Acquia, CEO, Tom Erickson: View from the Top

AnyDoc Software, President, Samuel L. Schrage: View from the Top

Brainware, President, James Zubok: View from the Top

Concept Searching, CEO/CTO, John Challis: View from the Top

Content Analyst, President & CEO, Kurt Michel: View from the Top

Ektron, Founder & CEO, Bill Rogers: View from the Top

Expert System, CEO, Stefano Spaggiari: View from the Top

Exsys, Inc., CEO & President, Dustin Huntington: View from the Top

ISYS, CEO, Scott Coles: View from the Top

Metalogix, VP of Global Marketing, Mandy Sadowski: View from the Top

Mindbreeze, Managing Director, Daniel Fallmann: View from the Top

Noetix Corporation, CEO, Morris Beton: View from the Top

Rivet Logic, President & CEO, Mike Vertal: View from the Top

SAS, CEO, Jim Goodnight: View from the Top

SchemaLogic, President & CEO, Jeff Dirks: View from the Top

SDL: SDL Structured Content Technologies Division, Sr. Vice President, Howard Schwartz

Web Content Management Solutions Division, CEO, Jan Jaap Kolleman: View from the Top

Siteworx, Inc., President, Tim McLaughlin: View from the Top

Vivisimo, CEO, John Kealey:
View from the Top


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