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Contentgine’s CIP updates with AI and machine learning features for more precise marketing intel

Online SaaS platform and content-based marketing company, Contentgine, is launching AI and machine learning capabilities for its Content Indication Platform (CIP), maximizing content consumption insights for B2B marketers. Expansion of target account lists and solidifying client relationships will be a direct result of the CIP’s ability to utilize first-party content consumption metrics, according to the vendor. Holistic data capturing will inform marketers of target interest and account activity, helping users predict viable sales opportunities.

"Customers rely on us for smarter and unique content-based insights that lead to better sales results," said Tim Ribich, vice president of Product Management for Contentgine. "This next iteration of CIP continues to raise the bar to a higher standard of purchasing intent, helping organizations achieve a greater return on investment for their demand generation and account-based marketing strategies to win meetings and close new business."

The CIP updates include signal locating an account’s content engagement, a new user interface for account and content filtering, and key phrase and word extraction across Contentree, the world’s largest B2B library. With location mapping, marketers can view specific geographical points of activity engagement regardless of user location. The CIP’s filtering feature will provide organized data sets that can be deployed into their marketing automation system or ABM platform for an increase in sales productivity, according to the vendor. Contentree navigation provides insight for clients regarding pain points, buying considerations, and common messaging from high-performance assets.

CIP is innovating solution capability in delivering first-party data paired with buying intent and is the first of its kind, according to the vendor. With AI and machine learning, CIP’s analytics inform clients of purchase and consumption patterns through the study of more than 500,000 case studies, white papers, and eBooks on Contentree. Business intelligence afforded by CIP offers organizations an edge towards sales strategies to outperform their competitors.

To learn more, please visit https://contentgine.com/.

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