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KMWorld NewsLinks - September 19, 2017


Digital asset management: diverse and expanding

Current DAM technology is mature and effective, but interesting advances are also being made that incorporate geolocation, artificial intelligence (AI) and other capabilities.


Syncsort and ASG Technologies Partner to Deliver Combined Data Governance Initiatives

The collaboration will enhance data governance and regulatory compliance

Content Lifecycle Management Provider Enhances Project Management Tools for Creative and Marketing Collaboration

New FLOW module in Northplains NEXT cloud platform helps coordinate people, tasks, and approvals

Konica Minolta Snaps Up DSSI

Acquisition brings additional ECM services to Konica Minolta and expands its footprint in the western region

KM In Practice

Mortgage company eases loan processing with OCR

Software saved hours right off the bat. What normally would have taken half an hour took three minutes."