NEW EVENT: KM & AI Summit 2025, March 17 - 19 in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona. Register Now! 

KMWorld NewsLinks - November 21, 2023



The award-winning organization demonstrates how it goes beyond simply delivering technology to working with clients to ensure that both the technology and knowledge processes are embedded into the work processes

2023 KM REALITY AWARD WINNER: Inter-American Development Bank

The winners of the KM Promise and KM Reality awards are designed to celebrate the success stories of knowledge management

TELUS and Five9 collaborate to provide end-to-end contact center as a service with AI-driven insights

Strategic partnership revolutionizes customer support solutions and uplevels customer interactions, delivering unmatched efficiency and personalization

Redis Cloud supports LangChain OpenGPTs Project

Latest collaboration continues companies' work to unlock developer's ability to create innovative AI-driven applications and experiences

KM In Practice

Peloton leverages Conga solutions to boost efficiencies and reduce risk

Leading professional services firm leverages Conga solutions to improve productivity, reduce contract review and execution time from several days to mere minutes