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Redis Cloud supports LangChain OpenGPTs Project

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Redis, Inc. and LangChain are collaborating on the OpenGPTs project, enabling LangChain to utilize Redis Cloud as the extensible real-time data platform for the project.

This partnership between Redis and LangChain continues to enable developers and businesses to leverage the latest innovation in the fast-evolving landscape of generative AI, such as the new LangChain Template for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) utilizing Redis.

“OpenGPTs is a wonderful example of the kind of AI applications developers can build using Redis Cloud to solve challenges like retrieval, conversational LLM memory, and semantic caching,” said Yiftach Shoolman, co-founder and chief technology officer of Redis. “This great development by LangChain shows how our customers can address these pain points within one solution at real-time speed that is also cost-effective. We’re working across the AI ecosystem to support up-and-coming startups like LangChain to drive forward the opportunity generative AI offers the industry.”

According to the companies, LangChain’s OpenGPTs, an open-source initiative, introduces a more flexible approach to generative AI. It allows users to choose their models, control data retrieval, and manage where data is stored.

Integrated with LangSmith for advanced debugging, logging, and monitoring, OpenGPTs offers a unique user-controlled experience.

“The OpenGPTs project is bringing the same ideas of an agent to open source but allowing for more control over what model you use, how you do retrieval, and where your data is stored,” said Harrison Chase, co-founder and CEO of LangChain.

Redis Cloud is foundational to OpenGPTs, serving various persistent storage needs.

“We’re using Redis Cloud for everything persistent in OpenGPTs, including as a vector store for retrieval and a database to store messages and agent configurations. The fact that you can do all of those in one database from Redis is really appealing,” Chase added.

Redis Cloud offers several advantages for the OpenGPTs project, including:

  • Versatility: Redis offers multi-model data structure support and efficient processing capabilities, adding significant value to LangChain’s OpenGPT project.
  • Performance: Redis’ renowned data handling performance ensures scalability and speed, qualities essential in the fast-paced world of real-time AI applications.
  • Customization and Control: This partnership reflects a growing trend in AI application development towards more tailored and user-defined applications.
  • Trust in Redis: LangChain’s choice of Redis for a critical role in OpenGPTs demonstrates Redis’ proven enterprise-hardened capabilities and relevance in supporting advanced AI projects.

The LangChain OpenGPTs project builds on the long-standing partnership with LangChain that includes the integration of Redis as a vector store, semantic cache, and conversational memory. 

For more information about this news, visit www.langchain.com or https://redis.com.

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