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Peloton leverages Conga solutions to boost efficiencies and reduce risk

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Conga, a leader in revenue lifecycle management solutions, announced that Peloton Consulting Group (Peloton), a global provider of digital transformation services, has successfully deployed Conga's Conga Contract Lifecycle Management solution.

The solution automates and centralizes contract review and execution, speeds up previously inefficient processes, and provides greater visibility and real-time tracking into contract management, according to Conga.

Peloton Consulting Group makes digital transformation a reality by leveraging enterprise performance management (EPM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM), human capital management (HCM), customer experience (CX), analytics, and data management for the cloud.

Peloton engages with businesses of varying sizes, including many Fortune 100—Fortune 500 companies, across diverse industries, including retail and manufacturing. With significant growth in the last decade as it established a broader presence in India, Latin America, Europe, and Asia, Peloton's total number of contracts has grown fivefold during this period.

Amid Peloton's rapid expansion, the legal team wrestled with managing the status of contracts and multiple formats, while dedicating extensive hours to maintaining their contract review pace amid a growing workload. Previously, Peloton tracked all contracts and RFPs in Excel spreadsheets, offering limited views into the contract lifecycle. The team also lacked a centralized communication and document management platform, complicating the contract process and necessitating the adoption of new software to automate the increasingly untenable manual workflows.

Peloton sought a comprehensive contract management system within Salesforce that could offer visibility and real-time tracking into all contract data.

The company decided to leverage Conga Contracts for Salesforce, which expedited implementation and allowed Peloton's procurement and legal teams to control and maintain contract templates. The team can now easily store and update contracts in a central location within Salesforce, eliminating the burden of juggling outdated versions outside the system.

By implementing Conga's Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) solution, Peloton has significantly accelerated productivity, reducing contract review and execution time from days or hours to just minutes, according to the companies.

"The ability to automate manual processes for contract management is crucial for businesses, especially for organizations leading the charge for digital transformation in an ever-changing technologically driven landscape," said Noel Goggin, CEO and culture leader at Conga. "By embracing Conga's automated solutions, Peloton Consulting Group has streamlined operations to enhance transparency and accessibility across the entire contract lifecycle, enabling the team to increase contracting speed and focus on more strategic initiatives for continued business success."

Conga's solutions have further enabled Peloton to decrease administrative burden by automating and centralizing contract processes, allowing the legal team to better allocate 50% of their time away from internal check-ins and manual process updates to focus on legal strategy and efficiency.

"Conga offers a 360-degree view of our sales and provides a streamlined, user-friendly, and customizable solution to meet our growing and diverse project needs," said Elise Hiller, chief legal officer, Peloton Consulting Group. "What we truly value about Conga Contracts for Salesforce is its multifaceted utility, which enhances contract management and offers advantages to other teams across Peloton. As we grow and expand our business, this solution proves to be a versatile, rather than one-dimensional tool."

For more information about this news, visit https://conga.com.

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