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KMWorld Cover

November/December 2011, [Vol 20, Issue 10]


Rich options expand the collaborative horizon

"Many companies are placing a big bet on collaboration to support their business activities. In particular, the workplace is moving toward one in which many business applications are integrated through collaboration and exposed through the social layer."...

Competitive intelligence—
Gaining insight to enhance decision-making

"Companies should decide on their goals, articulate the key decisions that will be made in the next couple of years and define the audience for the information."..

The state of knowledge management
A survey suggests ways to attain more satisfied users.

2011 KMWorld Promise and Reality award finalists

The winners of the KM Promise and the KM Reality awards will be formally announced on Nov. 2 at the 2011 KMWorld Conference at Washington Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C...

KM and Collaboration Roundup

2011 KMWorld Promise award finalist: kCura

2011 KMWorld Promise award finalist: KOM Networks

2011 KMWorld Reality award finalist: MindTree

A new sales recipe for the enterprise:
Governance, semantics and a dash of open source sauce

My view is that a content management system exposes problems that were previously invisible...

News Analysis

Planning now for the future of work

Getting the organization to see the theoretical value, to change their behaviors and attitudes is still a Sisyphean task...

Personal KM
Turning phatic fumes into golden nuggets

Phat·ic (ftk) adj. Of, relating to, or being speech used to share feelings or to establish a mood of sociability rather than to communicate information or ideas...


David Weinberger

Letting data out of its box

The Future of the Future

The Future of the The Future: The continuing saga of the knowledge librarian

The surviving libraries will be the ones that remember that they are in the knowledge business...

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