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BPM fosters responsiveness, growth and compliance

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“Before, a lot of our reporting process was manual. Now we have great reports and KPI dashboards that give us good visibility,” Blackwell says. “We have visibility for our managers who can now act swiftly on opportunities for efficiencies.”

Marketform is looking for ways to incorporate K2 blackpearl into additional processes.

Taking SharePoint to the next level

Several of the clients of Protiviti, a global business consulting and internal audit firm, were using SharePoint, but wanted the ability to take business process management to the next level for everything from regulatory risk management to tracking and reporting of continuing education.

“A lot of companies are looking to do more with SharePoint,” says Steve Witt, the company’s associate director of SharePoint consulting.SharePoint enables collaboration, which is an important element, but still doesn’t provide all of the knowledge and other elements needed for a complete business process management solution. So the company turned to Nintex (nintex.com) and its Workflow solution.

“It enables us to build solutions from SharePoint in weeks, not months,” Witt says. Protiviti works with its customers to build initial business process management solutions from SharePoint, and then the customers can take that solution and expand on it, which many are in the process of doing.

Protiviti has worked with several companies to develop business process management solutions using Nintex and SharePoint:

  • Protiviti developed a solution to evaluate regulatory risk for a credit card company, which Witt couldn’t name due to a non-disclosure agreement. Regulatory risk is a huge concern among financial services providers because additional regulations can mean higher costs that could make some products too expensive to offer to prospects.
  • Protiviti helped the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (fws.gov) develop improved workflow for a number of internal processes.
  • Protiviti worked with the American Heart Association (heart.org) to develop internal and external processes for tracking and reporting continuing education credits.

As companies look to expand while controlling costs, business process management solutions help them manage knowledge and make internal and external processes operate more efficiently.



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