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AI 100 Trailblazer: Northern Light - Northern Light SinglePoint uses AI to accelerate researchers’ time-to-insight

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SinglePoint™, Northern Light’s knowledge management platform optimized for market research and competitive intelligence, is used at Fortune 1000 companies across multiple industries such as information technology, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, and life sciences.

SinglePoint contains several innovative applications of artificial intelligence to accelerate time-to-insight for business researchers. The latest is a generative AI-based “question answering” capability built on top of OpenAI’s or Microsoft’s GPT-3.5 Turbo large language model. When a user asks SinglePoint a direct question, the answer is automatically generated and presented in narrative form, with live links to the source material from which the answer is derived so users can click through to the research and news documents of greatest interest to explore a given answer in more detail. Sources may be from any content collection within the client organization’s SinglePoint portal, including business news, original primary or licensed secondary market research, thought leaders’ commentary, technology white papers, conference abstracts, or industry and government databases.

Northern Light pioneered the practical use of AI and machine learning technology in enterprise-class market and competitive intelligence knowledge management systems in 2017. SinglePoint’s other AI-based capabilities include automated “Insights Reports”– machine-generated summaries of search results – as well as referrals to documents addressing topics of known interest to a user based on their search history (“Recommended Reading List”), and links to topically similar documents contained in a search result based on an AI-driven semantic analysis (“More Like This”).

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