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InterSystems unveils new version of IRIS data platform

InterSystems has announced the availability of the latest version of the company's data platform, IRIS.

IRIS is InterSystems' flagship platform for rapidly developing and deploying important applications. All of the needed tools and capabilities are provided in a reliable, unified platform spanning data management, interoperability, transaction processing, and analytics.

IRIS now features a beta version of IntegratedML, which enables application and SQL developers to develop machine learning (ML) algorithms and embed them into sophisticated applications in a simple, intuitive, and scalable way. IntegratedML also improves the productivity of data scientists by automating much of the tedious work involved with developing machine learning algorithms.

“This latest release of InterSystems IRIS data platform expands its usefulness for developing high performance, machine learning-enabled applications that span data and application silos,” said Scott Gnau, head of data platforms for InterSystems. “We continue to drive the platform based on the needs of our customers that are aggressively implementing their digital transformation initiatives.”

In addition to the introduction of IntegratedML, InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2020.1 features significant functionality advances and performance improvements. The release further improves performance and efficiency, tested to be up to 200 times faster than other data management technologies. It also enables users to scale out deployments more easily with additional capabilities for the management of distributed environments. In addition, IRIS now provides additional enhancements that expand and simplify the support for public and private cloud, multi-cloud, on-premises, hybrid, and cloud deployment options as well as enhanced Kubernetes support.

The latest release of InterSystems IRIS also includes enhanced interoperability and security functionalities, and simplifies migration from other data management technologies.

Information about getting started and a trial version of IRIS Data Platform 2020.1 is available at https://gettingstarted.intersystems.com.

For more information InterSystems, go to /www.intersystems.com.


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