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Are we mismanaging knowledge because of corporate ADD? (Video)

Learn more about how to enable better business outcomes at KMWorld 2019, coming to Washington, DC, Nov. 5-7.

Watch the complete video of this keynote presentation, "Think Creatively and Make Better Decisions" in the KMWorld 2018 Conference Video Portal.

In his entertaining keynote at KMWorld 2018, Dan Pontefract, head, learning & collaboration, TELUS, and author of FLAT ARMY: Creating a Connected and Engaged Organization, made a case for focusing on the moment for better business outcomes.

According to Pontefract, in Canada in 2016, the number of vehicle deaths as a result of distracted driving outpaced those caused by drunk driving. And in the U.S., in 2017, vehicle accidents as a result of distracted driving also outpaced those caused by drunk driving.

Today, he noted, people no longer think it’s a good idea to do multiple things such as texting while driving, but they still think it is fine to participate in business activities without devoting their full attention to them, leading to half-hearted efforts and bad decision making.

“We have corporate ADD, folks, and if you don't know what ADD is, it's attention deficit disorder,” said Pontefract. “Remember, this is the knowledge mismanagement world conference. That's what's going on. It turns out in the year 2000, Microsoft started doing some research on attention spans, and they found that in that year our attention span was 12 seconds. Not bad. Follow-up research in 2015 said it dropped to 8 seconds. I know you're math wizards. That's a 33% drop. Now, that's not good, because that's going the wrong way. I said drop. Should be going the other way, at least, right?”

According to Pontefract, “It turns out that the attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds. We're at 8. They're at 9. Now, they don't have a lot to do during the day. They're still not as distracted as us. It's crazy!”

Many speakers have made their presentations available at www.kmworld.com/Conference/2018/Presentations.aspx.


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