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SearchBlox Announces v8.6

SearchBlox has announced general availability of version 8.6 of its solution, enabling users to connect, extract and analyze unstructured and structured data for enterprise search, data management, and text analytics use cases.

According to the vendor, version 8.6 allows the use of SQL to access data from different repositories. The release also allows customers to set up a cluster of SearchBlox servers directly from the admin console for use cases such as advanced federated search, fraud or anomaly detection, content recommendations, smart business workflows, customer experience management and ecommerce optimization solutions.

In addition, Elasticsearch, used by SearchBlox as the core engine, and Kibana, an open source data visualization plug-in for Elasticsearch, have been upgraded to 5.1.2. The release also adds the ability to export indexed data to the CSV files format, and includes performance improvements and bug fixes. 

For more information, go to the SearchBlox website

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