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data.world announces Eureka to accelerate data-driven answers and insights

data.world has announced Eureka, a suite of knowledge-graph powered catalog capabilities that activate metadata and speed time to data-driven answers and insights. The suite includes Eureka Automations, Eureka Action Center, Eureka Answers, and Eureka Explorer.

According to the company, knowledge graphs are the ideal architectural foundation for data catalogs, delivering value unattainable by either relational and traditional graph datastores, and also providing a single, semantically organized view of an organization’s data and metadata.

“We know two things to be true,” said Tim Gasper, vice president of product management at data.world. “The first is that top-down data governance has failed us. We need a modern, intelligent approach that saves time and is scalable. The second is that machine learning is not a silver bullet. Without context, traditional approaches to automation are often cosmetic, incorrect, and incomplete. Eureka is fueled by metadata from our knowledge graph which simplifies the development, discovery, understanding, and use of trusted data products.”

According to data.world, Eureka offers:

Eureka Automations to make it faster and easier to deploy and manage a data catalog. They empower stewards and subject matter experts to curate and care for massive amounts of metadata and data, enhancing data governance through automated, intelligent policy management powered by the data.world knowledge graph. For example, users can automatically assign stewards, generate relationships, spin up business glossaries, and more with Eureka Automations.

Eureka Action Center, a dynamic dashboard homepage that helps answer the question, “What do I need to take action on now?” It serves as the front office for data and analytics by operationalizing the catalog for active metadata management and governance. In addition to saving time by focusing attention on the most important data and knowledge tasks, it also empowers catalog users to increase their engagement, which improves data literacy across the organization. In addition, it recommends actions relevant to each unique role by analyzing the knowledge graph and delivers key metrics to monitor the usage and governance of metadata, data, and insights, and make it easy to discover new resources and projects across the organization. Alerts, recently viewed datasets, and configurable browse cards are all built-in to the first-load experience.

Eureka Answers to surface the most relevant concepts from the knowledge graph to the top of search. It tames the chaos of wading through thousands of dashboards and millions of data elements by focusing only on key concepts. This enables everyone in the organization to leverage data that drives useful context, actions, and impact.

Eureka Explorer (available fall 2022) which provides a map of data and relationships powered by the knowledge graph that simplifies the analysis of relationships between data, people, and insights. It bridges the gap between semantic business concepts and column-level technical lineage with easy-to-navigate graph visualizations. data.world with Eureka Explorer makes understanding an organization’s data landscape effortless, delivering an enriched view of metadata for a more valuable, contextual catalog.

For more information, go to https://data.world.

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