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Xillio Enables Content Integration with IBM FileNet Connector

Xillio, provider of the Content ETL Platform, has announced the availability of an IBM FileNet connector that enables organizations to improve the speed of content integration projects.

The company says the IBM FileNet connector is an out-of-the-box connector that can easily integrate content and metadata from FileNet with other content sources, and also enable content from FileNet to be migrated to a different enterprise content management system, or vice versa.

In addition to FileNet, Xillio’s Content ETL Platform has out-of-the-box connectors to common content repositories (including file shares, SharePoint, OpenText, Documentum, FileNet, and Adobe), a unified data model, and modules, such as classification, deduplication, and version recognition, to improve the quality of the metadata.

With large organizations often choosing to maintain multiple document repositories, said Rikkert Engels, founder and CEO of Xillio, it is important that there is only one version of a document with relevant metadata.

In addition, he added, the ability to locate the right information at the right time in the process is essential. With Xillio’s connectors, including the IBM FileNet connector, he said, it is possible to connect all content repositories with each other, and to create or combine metadata based on business rules.

This new FileNet connector is bi-directional and can be used to extract content and metadata from the FileNet Content Engine, or vice versa, to import data in FileNet.

As a result, the company says, it has developed both an import and an export connector. The data can be used for migration and integration projects.

The FileNet export connector creates a generic data model to store the content in the unified data model database. It stores data from FileNet, including metadata, versions, permissions, memberships and users and groups. From the UDM, data can be exchanged with another content source or be directly migrated to a different content management system.

The import connector creates documents in the FileNet Content Engine based on data that has been stored in the UDM.  All data is imported, including custom properties of all content types, permissions, versions and other FileNet information, and it is also possible to add content derived from a local disk or another system, as well as import different content types.

Xillio is headquartered in Hilversum, Netherlands. More information is available at www.xillio.com.   

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