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Shreds.AI slashes time-to-market with AI-fueled software development

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Shreds.AI, the first AI capable of generating complex, business-grade software from simple descriptions in record time, is announcing the formal beta launch of its flagship product which radically accelerates time-to-market for software development.

Shreds.AI is engineered to enhance the workflow of software developers, accelerating time-to-market by over 80% compared to traditional software development methods, according to the company. Additionally, Shreds.AI increases software lifespan by more than 60% through automatic maintenance, as well as eases the process of switching software technology.

“Businesses depend on developers to use generative AI [GenAI] like ChatGPT to boost their productivity, but before the launch of Shreds.AI, they lacked a way to systematically integrate generative AI into their workflows,” said Soufiane Amar, founder and CEO of Shreds.AI. “Shreds.AI revolutionizes software development by automatically generating the full software, from architecture to code. The developers’ role is only to review and validate the generated code. This approach significantly increases productivity and dramatically reduces costs and time to market.”

Capable of managing and driving complex software generation, Shreds.AI acts as a meta-AI—an AI that leverages other AIs—to produce the most optimal code for each software component. Shreds.AI integrates with over 8 different AIs, ranking and sorting each one to its most relevant task. The product is trained to perform many of the traditional tasks assigned to software engineers, such as managing large software complexities or making accurate decisions on component integration.

Shreds.AI differs from other GenAI on the market, able to generate tens of thousands of lines and files of code—with perfect coherence and orchestration—rather than just a short snippet for a specific task, according to the company.

A key part of Shreds.AI is its marketplace, a place that houses a worldwide network of developers that help to validate AI-generated code and extend software development and support at a low cost. Maintaining human validation as part of the code generation is a critical component of Shreds.AI, ensuring that developers can validate the code—which is decoupled and isolated—through its marketplace, without the need for project or company context.

“Shreds.AI shifts the paradigm from developers being assisted by AI to AI being assisted by developers, allowing each to excel in their strengths: AI generates code, while developers validate it and ensure it functions as intended,” said Amar.

Some enterprises have already seen benefits from implementing Shreds.AI’s beta, where Tuan Do Cao, chief architect, Cars Opening Systems, Stellantis, remarked, “We’ve used Shreds.AI to speed up the development process. Even though Shreds.AI was at a very early stage, it demonstrated serious capabilities and allowed us to meet some critical deadlines.”

Jérôme Menard, manager, Datadev Department, RTE, another beta tester, explained that they’ve "used Shreds.AI for successfully generating some internal software and we are considering integrating it into our development workflow to gain speed and efficiency.”

To learn more about Shreds.AI, please visit https://dev.shreds.ai/.

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