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SearchBlox Offers Cloud Search

SearchBlox Software, a provider of enterprise search, data management, and text analytics solutions says it is providing cloud search to replace the soon-to-be-discontinued Google Site Search.

SearchBlox’s offerings run on high performance cloud infrastructure and come with 24x7 support. In addition to crawling websites, SearchBlox Cloud Search can also automatically extract content from PDF and Microsoft Office documents and make them available for search.

Google announced that it would discontinue the Google Site Search product from April 1, 2018.

SearchBlox says it has migrated more than 150 customers from Google Search Appliance (GSA) to the SearchBlox Enterprise Search platform and now offers the same level of functionality and performance on the cloud for Google Site Search customers.

SearchBlox offers a migration path for Google Site Search with a web-based configuration console and "zero coding" required for integration of search results, according to Timo Selvaraj, co-founder and VP of product management at SearchBlox. Combined with SearchBlox’s 24x7 support and migration services for customers, what used to take weeks of developer time in setup and integration now takes hours to get running, he added.

SearchBlox, headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, is a provider of enterprise search, data management and text analytics solutions based on Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene. For more information, visit www.searchblox.com.

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