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Requordit Merges with Document Imaging Mexico

Chicago-based enterprise content management solution provider Requordit has combined operations with Document Imaging Mexico. This merger expands the global reach of the U.S.-based ECM provider into the Latin American market and beyond.

Requordit's ECM technology, powered by Hyland OnBase, provides business solutions to midsized and enterprise organizations, including business process automation, software development and integration, and implementation and support solutions.

As a result of the merger, Requordit will provide solutions to clients globally that need enterprise content management, business process improvement, nearshore BPO-scanning, and indexing services, said Requordit president and CEO Mark Buckley, who will remain in his role as the companies combine sales and operations.

Founded in 2001, Document Imaging Mexico is a Hyland OnBase partner. Its clients include some of the large companies and government agencies in Mexico, generating a sizable growth in market share for Requordit.

In the coming months, the companies say, Document Imaging Mexico will complete the process of merging operations with Requordit.

For more information, go to www.requordit.com.

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