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Ramp’s AltitudeCDN Product Family Now Supports SNMP

Ramp, a provider of video management and delivery solutions, has announced that its AltitudeCDN product line now supports SNMP, a standard protocol for network performance monitoring and diagnostics. Ramp’s AltitudeCDN OmniCache, a standards-based solution for distributing live and on-demand video webcasts, and Multicast+, a multicast solution for enterprises, will now support SNMP for end point video stream monitoring.

According to Ramp, many enterprises rely on common SMNP management tools from NetScout, HP, Cisco, and other vendors to monitor network performance, detect anomalies, and diagnose problems. But until now, video streams could not be monitored in an integrated, enterprise-wide way using standard SNMP tools, instead requiring separate, proprietary dashboards.

The new Ramp support for SNMP will enable network administrators to extend their views of the network infrastructure to include video content at end point-level granularity. SNMP tools can now monitor AltitudeCDN OmniCache and Multicast+ servers to learn the status of video streams globally throughout the organization, alongside other network elements, switches, and servers.

"In addition to the standard information you'd expect we also send out the stream data," said Stephen Blankenship, vice president of product and operations at Ramp.

According to Blankenship, as data sources multiply across the enterprise, network administrators are finding value in consolidating around standard management tools rather than using a combination of dashboards for various applications. With a standards-based approach to enterprise video stream monitoring, he says, AltitudeCDN offers the integrated management, scalability, and security that enterprises require for video delivery network infrastructure.

The new support enables enterprise-wide SNMP management to now be applied to live video broadcasts and demand waves of on-demand video. As audiences join a broadcast, they generate a surge in video traffic, and, in this critical period, streaming video broadcasts can fail unless problems are quickly diagnosed. The availability of near real-time data, will enable network administrators to spot, diagnose, and fix problems as they arise in live video streams, as well as use historical data for troubleshooting.

Content owners, network administartors, and end users will benefit the most from this enhancement, Blankenship said. 

"This will enable end users to troubleshoot and mitigate problems very quickly," Blankenship said. "This continues to add on to our video infrastructure capabilities and it's a reaffirmation of our commitment to being the best video solution in the market for the enterprise."

For more information, go to www.ramp.com.

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