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Openstream.ai announces its latest multimodal conversational AI patent

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Openstream.ai, a provider of plan-based, multimodal Conversational AI solutions, is expanding its multimodality patent portfolio with the issuance of Temporal Behavioral Analysis of Multi-Modal Conversations In a Question and Answer System.

This approach advances the abilities of a multi-modal virtual agent to engage in human-like dialogue with users, improves the quality of the Customer Experience (CX), and provides enterprises with deep insights about their customers across multiple use-cases, according to the company.

Openstream.ai's latest patent represents a significant advancement in the field of conversational analysis and AI-driven interactions. The techniques presented uniquely identify important aspects of conversations and create hierarchical models that can lead to more effective and contextually aware question-and-answer systems, improving how people interact with AI and enhancing the overall user experience.

"This patent adds to our expansive portfolio of intellectual capital and provides the best Conversational AI platform and capabilities for our clients," said Openstream.ai CEO Raj Tumuluri. "By combining various sensory inputs such as speech, gesture, vision, and touch while leveraging the latest advances in artificial intelligence disciplines and finely tuned AI capabilities, Openstream.ai's Eva (Enterprise Virtual Assistant) enabled applications excel at delivering natural human-like interaction."

Creating a comprehensive Conversational AI (CAI) platform for Visionary Enterprises involves integrating various cutting-edge capabilities to provide a robust and versatile solution.

"This patent deftly combines conversational multimodal interaction and neural architectures by integrating multimodal fusion with neural attention," said Dr. Phil Cohen, chief scientist, Openstream.ai. "This versatility allows users to engage in conversations using their preferred communication methods."

Openstream.ai's visionary clients benefit from our feature-rich offering underscored by:

  • Complete CAI platform for Visionary Enterprises
  • Multi-modal interaction, plan-based dialogue engine that is ethical and transparent.
  • Extensive capabilities across knowledge acquisition, pre-trained models and ontologies, Semantic Processing, Emotion, Customer Engagement, Multi-Agent Interactions, Sentiment Analysts, Business Process Adaptation, and Multi-Lingual Support.

Eva's multi-modal runtime can also be deployed on the Edge for iOS and Android mobile apps. This capability ensures that even in situations with limited connectivity or resources, Eva can continue to function effectively by gracefully degrading to smaller local models.

These features make Eva a powerful tool for creating rich, dynamic, and context-aware conversational experiences across various platforms and devices.

For more information about this news, visit https://openstream.ai.

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