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New KMWorld Study Looks at Knowledge Management Maturity

Knowledge management is becoming more important than ever as the digital economy expands, but few organizations have actually advanced their KM efforts sufficiently to fully embrace the unfolding opportunities. For companies taking the lead in knowledge management, there are new opportunities available by leveraging cloud-based services as well as by converging efforts with big data initiatives. These are among the findings of a new survey of 483 executives and managers who are subscribers to KMWorld magazine, published by Information Today, Inc.

The survey reveals that fully-functioning KM systems remain a rarity today. About one-third of respondents indicate that they have fully implemented a comprehensive enterprise scale knowledge management system on premises, but another third do not have such a system or are in the exploration stage. Only one-third have had programs underway for 5 years or more.

Moreover, the rise of big data is proving to be vexing to both professionals and projects. A majority of respondents, 57%, say they have difficulty to some degree with addressing the requirements of big data sets characterized by the Vs (volume, variety, and velocity).

To access the full results of “The State of Knowledge Management: 2015-16 KMWorld Survey,” download the Fall 2015 Edition of the KMWorld Buyers’ Guide here

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