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NICE introduces new back-office capabilities to effectively manage entire CX workforce

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NICE is releasing new WFM capabilities, enabling organizations to manage their front and back office workstreams while handing massive interaction complexity in the digital era.

NICE’s new Inventory Insights capability, coupled with TTI, merges omnichannel, contact center, and back office into a common planning interval, subsequently revealing cross-department efficiencies to drive improved bottom-line performance. This is the optimal way organizations can manage their CX workforce today, NICE says.

NICE’s TTI solution addresses the unique challenges of digital channels for transformative forecasting and planning. TTI drives improved staffing accuracy by considering the time needed to handle every type of interaction, adjusting staffing in the moment to address the unique requirements of digital and asynchronous interactions, according to the company.

TTI, together with Inventory Insights, further advances NICE’s WFM capabilities, improving blended contact center operational efficiency by deconstructing back-office work into a common planning interval, enabling staff planning and scheduling of shared contact center and back-office employees.

The back office is the portion of a company made up of administration and support personnel who are not client-facing. Back-office functions include settlements, clearances, record maintenance, regulatory compliance, or accounting, according to NICE.

“In the early 2000s NICE led the market with skills-based routing. Two decades later NICE continues to lead with innovation like TTI, which enables organizations to effectively manage the front and back office in the digital era,” said Barry Cooper, president, CX division, NICE. “Organizations have come to NICE with a critical need to merge the back office with CX operations. We’ve not only delivered on that need but also opened the door for CX organizations to benefit from the entire suite of WEM solutions now available to the back office.”

For more information about this news, visit www.nice.com.  

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