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Integral’s Privacy Simulation Suite secures privacy processing while maximizing dataset utility

Integral, the data privacy automation company, is announcing the launch of the Privacy Simulation Suite, a new software suite designed to enable healthcare enterprises to utilize their sensitive data to shed light on the future effects of privacy processing on a dataset prior to its processing completion. This advanced understanding transforms compliance in regard to datasets, reducing the labor intensity often required by sensitive dataset adherence to a myriad of regulation policies, such as HIPAA.

Paired with the Integral platform’s automation of privacy certification on datasets, the Privacy Simulation Suite offers proactive privacy processing that, through pre-defined preferences for variables, rows, and columns, dynamically adapts to continuously accommodate for those preferences.

“Previously, compliantly customizing datasets was an iterative process that was laborious and time consuming, but now teams are able to ‘see around the corner’ to understand how to deal with privacy challenges relevant to their datasets and make changes in-flight,” said Shubh Sinha, co-founder and CEO of Integral. “This creates the right dataset faster and enriches downstream business analytics performed by our customers and partners.”

The Privacy Simulation Suite also provides data health metrics that illuminate what is in sensitive data and how privacy processing will affect it, ultimately aiding to optimize data privacy and utility.

“Our customers and partners are collaborating to create datasets that match their business goals under tight deadlines,” said Sinha. “With our first release, we facilitated this collaboration with a custom project management suite and a privacy engine that has scaled to billions of records. Now, customers want to be proactive in creating their datasets—seeing what privacy problems exist with their data and what is in their data ahead of time, so they can make business decisions quickly. We’re enabling just that with this new launch.”

Integral’s solutions directly integrate with a variety of data storage systems—including AWS and GCP—to run uninterrupted sets of privacy assessments, allowing quick resolution of any privacy violations. Offering a simplistic user interface and real-time compliance, Integral powers safe data while also ensuring max efficiency, according to the company.

To learn more about Integral’s Privacy Simulation Suite, please visit https://useintegral.com/.

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