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Discovering KM solutions for the enterprise at KMWorld 2023

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Choosing a platform for scaling knowledge management within the enterprise is a tough task. There are many solutions that can work out of the box, but most need a foundation to work from. This foundation should answer the question of, “What is my strategy to achieve operational objectives?” This strategy needs to also increase learning, innovation, communication and more in their KM programs.

Emma Galdo, director of product marketing, Bloomfire, discussed “Driving Successful KM Outcomes in the Age of AI,” during her KMWorld 2023 session.

“Leadership teams are understanding more and more about the value of the knowledge their employees have,” Galdo said. “Many teams are hoping to build the equity and awareness the KM program has on their business.”

AI brings unique opportunities and challenges. Leadership worries about bias, inaccuracy, ethical dilemmas, and more. While employees want fewer apps to do their job, a single source of truth, and are skeptical of AI.  

“Employees want to be streamlining their tech stack as much as possible,” she said.

The four key pillars that should be prioritized in strategic planning include:

  • Delivering reliable and accurate results
  • Augmenting—not replacing—worker intelligence and efficiency
  • Making tools—including AI both approachable and accessible
  • Not compromising on data safety and security

Technology should span the entire knowledge lifecycle so all stakeholders can be more efficient, she explained.

“Knowledge is a living, breathing entity,” Galdo said.

By putting technology together in the right way, with the right strategy, it creates a digital knowledge worker that can help the human team focus on strategic and meaningful work.

After any project or expansion, there should be a way to measure goals being met so leadership will be able to see how the KM program improves the organization, she said.

“The right strategy, tech, and change management go a long way,” said Galdo.

KMWorld returned to the J.W. Marriott in Washington D.C. on November 6-9, with pre-conference workshops held on November 6.

KMWorld 2023 is a part of a unique program of five co-located conferences, which also includes Enterprise Search & Discovery, Enterprise AI World, Taxonomy Boot Camp, and Text Analytics Forum.

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