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Coveo acquires Tooso, combining AI with ecommerce

Coveo, an AI-powered business solutions company, is acquiring Tooso, an AI-based digital commerce engines company, to accelerate and expand its capabilities for the digital commerce market.

Tooso’s AI capabilities will enhance Coveo AI, adding more precise and granular understanding of ecommerce shoppers’ intents and needs as they interact with online stores.

This is a game changing combination in the digital commerce market, said Louis Tetu, Coveo CEO and chairman.

To drive higher conversions, every organization involved in digital commerce needs to deliver relevant offers at every micro-moment of interaction with their buyers, understanding both their contexts and intents, and this is what the combination of Coveo AI and Tooso AI can deliver, according to Tetu.

By integrating Tooso’s team and technology into Coveo, the company is deepening its ability to enable retailers to deliver experiences matching their shoppers rising expectations.

Through more advanced understanding of the shoppers' intent and cutting-edge analysis of the nuances of human language, Coveo and Tooso can act much like a trusted assistant would, ultimately driving up conversion and satisfaction.

Ciro Greco, Tooso Co-founder and CEO, added that Tooso is excited about joining Coveo - the combination of culture, passion and collaboration is a great fit.

For more information about this news, visit www.coveo.com.

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