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CallMiner offers new solution for gaining enhanced customer experience insights

CallMiner, a provider of a speech and customer engagement analytics platform, is launching a CX Solution Pack for enhanced customer experience insights both within and beyond the contact center.

The pack provides a continuous flow of CX insights captured during every engagement. This valuable data informs and directs customer experience professionals and contact center managers at every point of the customer journey. 

The CX Solution Pack provides customer intelligence from voice conversations, providing greater CX insight to complement and expand upon that gathered from surveys (solicited feedback).

Organizations will benefit from a continuous and more comprehensive measure of customer experience quality and customer loyalty across all customer interactions.

The CX Solution Pack implemented with CallMiner Eureka reduces effort and time to insight by providing a predefined set of analytical content specifically targeted to measuring various aspects of customer experience.

The CX Solution Pack was designed to harness data and measurements, as well as accelerate time to insight with a categorization framework designed around best practices in measuring customer experience.

It works to correlate unstructured data in conversations including sentiment to customer experience quality. In addition, the Pack analyzes customer effort and emotion, as well as customer loyalty, retention, and likelihood to recommend.

For more information about this news, visit https://callminer.com/.

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