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Basis Technology Enables Multilingual Text Analytics for SearchBlox Customers

Basis Technology, a provider of multilingual text analytics, is partnering with SearchBlox, a provider of enterprise search solutions based on Apache Lucene, to offer faceted search technology in 18 languages, including those critical to government intelligence agencies such as Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Pashto, Persian, Russian, and Urdu.

With the new capabilities, the companies say,SearchBlox customers can download the Rosette SDK and connect it to their SearchBlox installation in minutes.

SearchBlox aggregates and indexes data in real time for search and analysis, as data is added via more than 60 data connectors, spanning social media, email, cloud storage, Salesforce, and other sources, and also provides fine-grained controls to allow administrators to select the type of analysis to apply field-by-field.

According to Gregor Stewart, vice president of product management at Basis Technology, faceted search has become a standard interface for search users, but the quality of the facets continues to be a challenge, especially when languages other than English are introduced. Basis Technologies’ integration into SearchBlox will provide its customers with a better search experience across a broad set of languages, he noted.

SearchBlox has seen strong demand from the government sector for a secure, on-premise search solution, added Timo Selvaraj, co-founder and vice president of product management at SearchBlox. SearchBlox, combined with the Rosette SDK, will provide a cost-efficient and quick-to-deploy multilingual search and analysis solution enabling organizations to achieve functionity that used  to take weeks and months of developer time in minutes.

For more information, go to www.searchblox.com and www.basistech.com.

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