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Attunity Awarded Renewed Supplier Status on U.K. Government’s Digital Marketplace for G-Cloud 10 Framework

Attunity, a provider of data integration and big data management software solutions, has announced that the Crown Commercial Service (CCS), an executive agency and trading fund of the Cabinet Office of the U.K. Government, has awarded Attunity with renewed Supplier Status on the G-Cloud 10 Framework, which sits within the CCS Digital Marketplace.

Under the Cloud Software classification, public sector organizations can procure Attunity’s Data Integration Platform which includes the Attunity Replicate real-time data replication and ingestion software solution. This solution enables organizations, including local government, health, education, not-for-profit, and devolved administrations, to accelerate data initiatives in the cloud, such as real-time analytics, data lakes, and IoT.

The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) works with both departments and organizations across the whole of the U.K. public sector to ensure maximum value is extracted from every commercial relationship and improve the quality of service delivery. The CCS acts on behalf of the Crown to drive savings for the taxpayer and improve the quality of commercial and procurement activity.

To be approved as a G-Cloud supplier, companies such as Attunity must complete a multi-step tender process to be listed on the framework. If the completed application conforms with required government standards, then companies are awarded an agreement, effectively paving the way for a streamlined experience for government and municipalities to make purchases. Supplier classifications on G-Cloud 10 include Cloud Hosting, Cloud Software, and Cloud Support. The CCS’ vision for the Digital Marketplace is to support its policy to centrally manage the procurement of common goods and services through an integrated commercial function, enabling them to identify efficiencies and savings opportunities for the country’s public sector.

For more information about Attunity, go to www.attunity.com.

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