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Attivio and Thomson Reuters Bring AI-driven Insights to Financial Services

Attivio, provider of a cognitive search and insight platform, has partnered with Thomson Reuters to integrate its core technology with Thomson Reuters Intelligent Tagging (TRIT).

The partnership combines Attivio’s text analytics and natural language processing technology with TRIT’s structured taxonomy for financial services.

By integrating TRIT into its cognitive search platform, Attivio can now offer its financial services customers better answers to their queries due to a deeper understanding of financial terms and abbreviations. This is necessary as a number of Attivio customers use the solution as a key component of their risk and compliance, equity research, and investment analytics initiatives.

By tapping into Thomson Reuters’ expertise, Attivio is in a better position to train machine learning models to understand the specific terms and language used in the financial services industry, said Attivio CEO Stephen Baker.  For companies operating in this sphere, he noted, the need to find the right information in real time is increasingly important. 

TRIT takes structured and unstructured information and turns it into a structured taxonomy with a focus on the financial services industry. This means extracting everything from key phrases in context, to ticker symbols and industry-specific abbreviations. Attivio can then take that structured information and apply its own text analytics and cognitive search technology to provide customers with better and faster answers to their queries.

For more information, visit www.attivio.com.

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