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ABBYY releases platform that works in tandem with AI to power the digital workforce

ABBYY, a provider of Content IQ technologies and solutions, is launching ABBYY Vantage, an enterprise platform that provides human-like cognitive skills to intelligent automation platforms such as robotic process automation (RPA) and business process automation (BPA).

The new platform can be leveraged by enterprise companies in financial services and insurance, transportation and logistics, manufacturing, and other industries.

Vantage offers a transformative shift in the way structured and unstructured content is processed utilizing cognitive skills to make digital robots in automation platforms smarter and faster.

It delivers text recognition, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of consumable skills to power the new digital workforce (software robots) needed to make intelligent business decisions.

The new platform minimizes the complexity of processing content such as documents, forms, images, and email communications with a set of cognitive skills that allow digital workers to identify a document, find specific information, understand the content, and route the document or process the information on its content.

Core cognitive skills include text recognition, classification, and data extraction coupled with learning and can be plugged into any type of document workflow.

Advanced cognitive skills can be developed by partners and customers to perform specific tasks unique to a business operation, such as processing a loan application, insurance claim or bill of lading.

Vantage tightly integrates into leading RPA platforms like Blue Prism, UiPath, and others. It also can be leveraged by ISVs, System Integrators, BPOs, and IT technology strategists who have a business need to incorporate content IQ skills into their automation platforms.

For more information about this news, visit www.abbyy.com.

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