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Law firm deploys DocSolid Airmail2

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Stinson LLP has rolled out DocSolid's Airmail2, a digital mailroom solution designed specifically for law firms and the new normal.

DocSolid is a provider of legal technology solutions for enterprise scanning, workflow, and paper reduction.

Airmail2 by DocSolid is engineered from the ground up to solve the productivity and compliance requirements of law firms by providing direct delivery of postal mail to the firm’s document management system (DMS), where sensitive information can be protected and governed by the DMS best practices.

Stinson launched Airmail2 in its main office first, and then deployed to its other U.S.-based offices in less than 2 weeks.

Law firms with their workforce in home offices have specific, critical needs for digital delivery of legal mail. These needs for DMS integration, efficiency, and security all persist when the workforce returns to the main office, according to DocSolid.

Airmail2 by DocSolid is engineered from the ground up to solve the productivity and compliance requirements of law firms by providing direct delivery of postal mail to the firm’s document management system (DMS), where sensitive information can be protected and governed by the DMS best practices.

Airmail2 enables clerical operators with minimal training and without login access to the DMS to scan, QC, and directly deliver postal mail in electronic form to the firm’s DMS of choice.  

Stinson is deploying Airmail2 for direct delivery to iManage Document Management System.

DocSolid’s Airmail2 digital mailroom provides:

  • Scanned mail delivery to iManage and other DMS systems
  • DMS matter lookups when full profiling is required
  • Mapped mail delivery to attorneys and legal assistants with automated notifications
  • Batch workflows for productive alignment with legal office staffing resources
  • Internet hosted or on-premise deployment.

“As law firms transition from crisis management to long-term solutions for the new normal, a crafted digital mailroom is essential. Inbound legal mail needs to get in the DMS, not the email system where it is delayed and exposed. Airmail2 is a digital pivot into the times ahead,” said Steve Irons, president of DocSolid.

For more information, visit www.stinson.com and www.docsolid.com.

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