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BT simplifies information access and collaboration

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Box, provider of a platform for secure content management, workflow, and collaboration, has expanded its relationship with BT, a global communications services and solutions company. BT first became a Box customer in 2019 and has since implemented Box as its secure platform to power intelligent, workflow-driven content management at its Global unit, which serves multinational organizations globally.

Box enables the companies around the world to accelerate business processes, power workplace collaboration, and protect valuable information. With this announcement, BT joins a growing list of leading global organizations leveraging Box to enable new ways of working, including the Metropolitan Police Service of London, U.S. Air Force, and AstraZeneca.

"BT is focused on further digitizing and automating its processes to deliver standout customer experiences," said Chet Patel, managing director, commercial, Global BT. "Box has played an important part in this process. It has simplified information access and enabled seamless, secure content collaboration across our global sales journey." 

"BT has led the world in telecommunication innovation, consistently developing and deploying technology focused on the customer experience," added Sebastien Marotte, president of EMEA, Box. "We’re thrilled Box can be part of BT’s transformation journey, powering its complete content lifecycle in a single platform."

BT is using Box to organize, manage, and distribute digital assets including marketing, solution design and insights through the use of content hubs in Box, as well as to engage in simple and secure collaboration with external agencies and customer forums.

Box is also helping BT to provide a fully integrated content experience with Salesforce from beginning to end of the customer lifecycle. Box folders and content are automatically created against the opportunity, enabling content from the sales journey to be seamlessly shared between Salesforce, Box, and BT’s sales and marketing teams.

For more information, go to www.box.com.

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