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Workflow automation: Fast growing across the enterprise

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Exacto has developed 35 different types of workflows and uses Integrify throughout the company to aid employees in carrying out their tasks. Originally set up on-premise, Integrify is now accessed via the cloud. This provides the flexibility of remote access, allowing salespeople and other employees to work from any location. By automating a wide variety of tasks, Exacto has reduced its processing costs by an estimated 60%–90% compared to the cost of paper-based processes.

In addition, Exacto now uses Integrify to manage employee suggestions to support innovation. This workflow moves an idea from the initial suggestion stage through a feedback process and then an evaluation by marketing. The R&D team then reviews the idea and, if it is approved, a project is established as a new product request, and development can begin.

“Many of our customers deploy Integrify for a specific use case, and then people see other potential applications,” noted Bartlett. “It might first be used to build a workflow around new hires, for example, and then, when others see its value, they want to apply it to their own use cases.” Because of the audit trail that Integrify provides, it is appropriate for regulated industries; pharmaceutical companies and financial services constitute a large percent of the company’s customer base. Forms can be prepopulated from existing databases, and analytics can be used to track bottlenecks so that workflow processes can be improved. “Initially, people were concerned about job loss from automation,” commented Bartlett, “but now they are understanding that automation is actually helping them do their jobs more efficiently.” 

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