Simplify Enterprise Content Lifecycle Complexities with Quark Publishing Platform (QPP) NextGen
Global organizations understand that for content to keep pace with business goals, they must invest in software tools to support the content journey. This involves simplifying content complexities such as omnichannel volume and velocity, regionalization, data input sources, translation, formatting, and, critically, regulatory and brand compliance.
We’ve infused our 40+ years of content complexity understanding and the latest AI technology into Quark Publishing Platform (QPP) NextGen, empowering enterprises to automate each stage of the content lifecycle and effectively create, collaborate, assemble and deliver high value content –often critical for businesses in regulated industries - to support business objectives. It also provides insight to understand if content delivered meets desired ROIs.
QPP NextGen makes it easy to manage large, complex documents at scale. Subject-matter experts can author, manage and store structured, reusable content components with auto-generated XML metadata tags using Microsoft Word. Content teams – encompassing writers, designers, LOB managers, and content architects to name a few - can collaborate across roles and departments to shorten review cycles by days and even weeks, eliminate duplicate efforts, automate translation processes and publish regulated, high value content in multiple formats from a single source-of-truth CCMS with 100% accuracy - in just a few clicks.
Request a demo of QPP NextGen.
Simplify enterprise content complexity. That’s our mission.

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