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KMWorld Hall of Fame 2011: The Trendsetters

A "Hall of Fame" can take many shapes. Last year we inducted 15 companies that were perennial; for more than 10 years, those companies appeared in our "100 Companies That Matter in KM" listings.

This year, we decided that a new perspective was called for. We felt that the companies in the knowledge management arena (a very large "arena" indeed) that are developing new and game-changing solutions should also be recognized and honored. We examined our annual "Trend-Setting Products" winners, and chose 15 that we feel represent the best (and most frequent) additions to the forward momentum of technology innovations in our industry.

Here are the 15 innovators we have added to the Hall of Fame this year:

  • Attensity
  • Attivio
  • Citrix
  • Connotate
  • Content Analyst
  • Coveo
  • eGain
  • Exsys
  • Google Enterprise
  • iDatix
  • Noetix
  • Recommind
  • SDL
  • Search Technologies
  • SpringCM

Here are the organizations named to our original Hall of Fame last year:

  • ASG/Mobius
  • Autonomy
  • Brainware/SER
  • Computer Associates
  • Consona
  • EMC
  • Endeca
  • Global 360
  • HP
  • IBM
  • InQuira
  • ISYS
  • Kofax
  • Microsoft
  • OpenText
  • Oracle
  • SAP
  • Vivisimo
  • Xerox
  • ZyLAB

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