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BPM State of the Market: Concept Searching, Inc.

The average cost of a data breach is $6.3 million. Is your organization at risk? The public sector, healthcare, financial and educational institutions as well as private businesses are facing continuing pressure and government regulations to protect information from unauthorized
access, use, and disclosure.

Concept Searching’s discovery suite of software automatically identifies unknown data exposures based on your unique organizational descriptors. Unidentified privacy data from diverse repositories, email and fax servers, and scanned documents are automatically aggregated into a central location for review and disposition. Potential data exposures are identified in real time as content is created, ingested, or modified. Once identified and classified the data can be managed in accordance with internal and regulatory guidelines.

The framework enables organizations to:

  • Reduce the impact of unknown data exposures which can lead to loss of business, litigation, and criminal and civil penalties
  • Eliminate the obstacles associated with end user non-compliance issues
  • Prevent the portability and transmissibility of protected data assets
  • Improve security and compliance processes

From the desktop to the enterprise, Concept Searching’s innovative technologies can dramatically transform the way organizations find, organize and manage information capital. Flexible and powerful, the technologies are being used to improve records management, automatically enforce governance at the desktop, identify unknown privacy exposures, and uniquely solve the inherent challenges of search. Delivering concept based searching, semantic and compound term metadata generation, automatic classification, and taxonomy tools proven to reduce the taxonomy development time by 80%; our breakthrough technology delivers remarkable results.

Concept Searching, Inc
8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 800
McLean, VA 22102
Phone: 703.531.8567
Fax: 509.272.0332
E-mail: info-usa@conceptSearching.com
Web: www.conceptsearching.com

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