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AI 50 Trailblazer: Northern Light - Northern Light SinglePoint™ uses AI to accelerate researchers’ time-to-insight

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SinglePoint™, Northern Light’s market research and competitive intelligence portal platform, contains three applications of artificial intelligence-based machine learning, all of which enable business professionals to accelerate time-to-insight.

Second, SinglePoint learns what a user is interested in based on what they download. SinglePoint’s machine learning algorithms then build a semantic model of the user and compare it to the semantic models of each document that are added to the research collection. Based on this comparison, SinglePoint recommends content to the user. With this Recommended Reading List, relevant content will in effect come and find you rather than you having to go look for it.

SinglePoint’s third machine learning feature is what we call More Like This. By building a semantic model of each document, SinglePoint automatically finds additional content for the user that will address the same topics in the same weighting as a document of interest, and presents it with a quick click of the More Like This button.

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Northern Light
One Constitution Center
Boston, MA 02129
PH: 617.674.2074
Web: https://northernlight.com/

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