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AI 50 Spotlight: When do you know that you need a knowledge graph? Manage your Knowledge Graph Projects with PoolParty - the only comprehensive semantic middleware in the market.

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People have many questions when investigating semantic technologies. When do you know that you need a knowledge graph? How can you set up your first enterprise knowledge graph project? After the initial excitement about the technology, many feel overwhelmed by the long road ahead and fear not having the right in-house specialists to handle their enterprise knowledge graph.

However, knowledge graphs are an essential part of metadata management. Just think of the amount of data your company needs to handle, analyze and process not only today, but also in the future. Think of your urgent need to overcome data silos, improve data quality or find 360-degree solutions for customer, reference, product and supplier data.

The implementation of enterprise knowledge graphs is not just a simple metadata management, but rather a change management process. Intensive collaboration between knowledge engineers, data engineers, data scientists and subject matter experts is the key to a successful implementation. They must learn to better understand the worlds and expertise of the others.

PoolParty is the only semantic middleware on the market that efficiently supports the entire life cycle of knowledge graphs and the collaboration of all stakeholders. As a starting point, PoolParty offers an integrated card-sorting tool, as well as comprehensive enterprise taxonomy and ontology management, which is the basis for your enterprise-wide knowledge graph. PoolParty text mining and data transformation capabilities automate large parts of the entire process. Standard based interfaces allow the integration into existing EIM, search or analysis platforms and data catalogs.

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Semantic Web Company GmbH

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